
The NANOSCALE2022 symposium will provide an update on the current state of research, bring together a vibrant community of academics and industry and trigger future collaborations and innovations. It also aims at opening the community and inciting follow-up grant applications, potentially in new geometries. Through multiple thematic sessions, we will explore the bases, current state and applications of surface fluorescence and related techniques and we will outreach to communities not yet targeted, including pharmacology/toxicology, environmental science, as well as the national and European instituts of standards.

The context

The EU-funded NANOSCALE project (https://nanoscale.sppin.fr), a French-Israeli collaboration between SPPIN and BINA aims at lling this gap. Based on a patented nanometric sandwich, NANOSCALE has provided a unique multi-layered calibration slide for surface uorescence, together with a dedicated software analysis tool. The nano-patterned slide features thin layers of non- uorescent spacer, uorescent and a non- uorescent capping layer, all with the refractive index close to that of a living cell. It permits, for non-professional user, a calibration of uorescence in terms of axial distance, a key requirement for quantitative near-surface optical imaging, spectroscopy and sensing.

Free for students

All the congress is free for students.

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